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Just heard about this web page on the Montel Williams show... I have done alot of thinking about the subject, but never discussed it with anyone, as it seems that my circle of friends just would'nt get it.

I have felt this way all my life. I am now in my mid fifties, and have always just done the acceptable thing regarding dating and marriage...that is: endure it to keep the peace! I have been married three times, and the major reason for the break up was the amount of sex I was willing to give/endure.. I thought I was just under-sexed, and have seen Doctors and Therapists about what I persieved as MY PROBLEM.. I have been perscribed such things as progesterone to CURE my problem..HA HA...wouldnt that be a hoot to finally have a high libido and a mustache too???

I have always, as do most people, find attraction in others personalities, interests, etc. I believe that is universal, but then the sex thing always is an issue...

I enjoy cuddling, kissing, holding hands, back rubs, doing fun things together, even if I am not that interested, and he does the same for me; and as always, problems arise when, yet again he wants/needs it to go that extra step...I do try with each relationship when it gets to that point.. but it is just going thru the motions, and at my stage in life I just don't feel like faking it anymore!!!!!

Just my thoughts...thanks for listening...