Available visibility materials

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Here is a list of some asexual visibility-related things that can be obtained, whether from AVEN or otherwise.

Please expand this list!


The Asexual Visibility Store carries shirts, bags, and buttons with designs promoting AVEN or asexual visibility.


Some AVENites have designed posters promoting asexuality. Although there is not currently a mechanism for ordering finished posters, anyone can contact one of the poster designers to get a large, printable version of the images.

Asexuals who post on other forums besides AVEN can add asexual userbars to their signatures, or asexual images to existing userbars.

Some asexuals have constructed website banners promoting AVEN, some more serious than others.

Some asexuals have created beaded necklaces in the shape of the AVEN logo. Others wear black hematite rings as a "secret symbol".

The print zine "Just Say No Thank You" addresses issues of asexuality along with veganism.

Under Construction

At one point, AVEN distributed pamphlets about asexuality. The Project Team is in the process of designing new ones for further distribution.

We are also hoping to put future issues of the AVENues newsletter into printed form for individuals without forum access.