Post of the Week

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The Post of the Week, or PotW, is a particularly well-written post from the AVEN boards featured on the homepage. The Post of the Week is selected by Project Team member Hu every Friday. To nominate a post for Post of the Week, PM Hu at AVEN.

This Week's Post of the Week

September 15, 2006

"There are lots of things that are "needed" for human society to function. We need people to befriend other people, to engage in charitable activities for each other, and to contribute to the infrastructure, economy, and/or government of the places they live in, among other things. Asexuals can do those things just fine. We also need people to reproduce, but not everybody - people have really been overdoing that one lately. So don't worry, you're just as necessary as everybody else."

--Hallucigenia destroys the "worthless" argument


September 7, 2006

"When people look for a partner, most people are looking for someone to help them fulfill emotional as well as sexual needs. Romantic asexual people, no matter which gender or sex they are or are not attracted to, are looking for that emotional connection with another person, but aren't looking to fulfill any sexual need."

--Squid on explaining asexual orientation