Romantic orientation

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Revision as of 01:36, 3 March 2011 by Hexaquark (talk | contribs) (aka affectional orientation)
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Romantic orientation (also occasionally called affectional orientation) refers to an individual's pattern of romantic attraction to men, women, neither gender, either gender, or another gender. For many sexuals, their romantic orientation and their sexual orientation are in alignment, so the gender(s) of the people they fall in love with are also the gender(s) they are sexually attracted to. For an asexual, who does not experience sexual attraction, it is their romantic orientation that determines which gender(s), if any, they are inclined to form romantic relationships with. A person may be aromantic or romantic, or somewhere in between.

Romantic orientation
Aromantic · Biromantic · Demiromantic · Gray-romantic · Heteroromantic · Homoromantic · Lithromantic · Panromantic · WTFromantic