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Revision as of 05:58, 7 May 2008 by Zato1 (talk | contribs)
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Hi all. My new name is Daryan. My nickname is probably Zato because I go by that on AVEN. I'm transgendered FtM. Here's my profile I wrote about myself.

His name is Daryan he's 17 years old and he's an Extrovert.

He's mostly an indoor nerdy person. He loves playing video games, studying languages, goofing around online, making video game spoofs on the computer and puting them on youtube, attempting to draw, writing fan fiction about video game characters, playing on his guitar, playing on his keyboard, listening to music and singing along with it and everything of those sorts.

Daryan is gothic. He loves to dress in black, likes to paint his finger nails black (or other abstract colors), paints his toe nails black and white (or other colors), puts on black eye shadow and black eye mascara. He loves the gothic theme like black roses, red roses, skeletons, grim reapers and all of the sort. He is not an emo gothic, He is working on helping himself to enjoy life and try to live it to it's fullest. Daryan is Christian - Non Denominational and he is trying to live his life for God and he is trying to lead the life of a good Christian. He is not perfect he knows he is just as normal as everyone else.

He likes to write poetry once in a while, but usually it is just about sad heart-break love. When he's not writing poetry, he'll be writing fanfiction.

Daryan is shy, he is not outspoken on many things. About the only thing he will be outspoken about is his a/sexuality, his gender, or his video games.

He gets along good with his family for the most part, though they can tend to get on his nerves sometimes. On his nights-off from his chores or homework, he just likes sitting in front of the computer and he'll usually be trying to make a video game spoof, messing around with his MySpace, posting on AVEN, listening to music and looking up different things. He enjoys watching movies and television with his brother and parents. His favorite shows are South Park, Family Guy, The Simpsons and Futurama.

That is mostly all about Daryan for the moment.

Did anyone like my profile? Look at my writing skillz!!123 :P

Oh yeah. I'll list my older AVEN names I had before I changed it to Zato1




Now it's Zato1 :P