
From AVENwiki

This page briefly explains many common terms seen on the AVEN site and community.

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Asexual related terminology

  • acephobia: Fear or hatred of asexuals or asexuality.
  • amoeba: One of many biologically asexual microorganisms, but also a word used informally to denote an asexual.
  • Asexual: A person who does not experience sexual attraction.
  • asexy: An informal word for asexual; describes someone or something that is made more attractive by her/his/its lack of sexuality.
  • demisexual: A person who experiences sexual attraction only to people with whom they are in an close relationship, often a romantic one[1].
  • gray-A: A person in the gray area between sexuality and asexuality.
  • indifferent: 1) used by some asexual individuals to indicate that they feel neither revulsion toward nor powerful desire to engage in sex. 2) also can be taken to mean they are indifferent toward the idea of sex in general.
  • repulsed: A term used by some asexual individuals to indicate that they find sex disgusting or revolting.
  • sensual: Enjoying pleasure brought through the senses, which may or may not be sexual.[2]
  • sex-positive: A term used by some members of the asexual community to mean that they do not mind if people engage in sexual activities as long as those activities are consensual.

Sexuality related terminology

  • antisexual: Being opposed to sexuality, or someone for whom this is true. An antisexual person may or may not be asexual.
  • autosexual: A person who only experiences sexual attraction to him/herself.
  • autochorisexual: A person who can be aroused by sexual material and may masturbate, fantasize and/or watch porn but has no desire to seek a partner or have sexual interactions themselves.
  • celibate: Someone who does not engage in sexual activity. Separate from sexual orientation.
  • compulsory sexuality: The belief that everyone should be either sexually available or in a sexual relationship.[3]
  • queer: An umbrella term that refers to those who are not heterosexual, heteronormative, or cisgender.
  • sexual: A person who experiences sexual attraction, a person who is not asexual (i.e. a heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, etc.). Also called allosexual.

Romantic orientations

  • amatonormativity: The belief that romantic relationships are superior to non-romantic ones and friendships.[3]
  • crush: A (possibly temporary) romantic attraction to someone, that may or may not be acted upon
  • monoamory: Having just one intimate relationship. Compare to polyamory
  • panromantic: Romantically attracted to others regardless of gender
  • polyamory: Having more than one intimate relationships simultaneously with all partners concerned. Compare to monoamory
  • queerplatonic: A non-romantic relationship based on platonic love that is stronger than friendship
  • squish: An aromantic crush, a desire for a platonic relationship with someone
  • zucchini: A partner in a queerplatonic relationship.

Gender/Sex related terminology

  • gender: a person's identity, or the sex one feels one should be[4]
  • sex: a person's biological state, decided by genitalia or chromosomes
  • agender: having neither male nor female gender, or not associating with any gender
  • androgynous: identifying or presenting between male and female in the gender binary.
  • androsexual: sexual orientation of anyone who has sexual feelings towards a man
  • bigender: having a gender identity or expression which is both male and female, either simultaneously or alternating
  • cisgender: having the same gender as the one assigned at birth
  • demigirl: a person who feels more strongly associated with female than male or any other gender, but not strongly enough to justify an absolute self-identification as female, or, someone who identifies as anything but female, aside from a small part of them that does. [Disputed, in discussion]
  • female: a gender or sex identity (♀)
  • FtM: (female to male transsexual, trans man) a person who identifies as male, but was assigned a female sex at birth
  • genderfluid: moving between different gender identities or expressions at different times or situations
  • genderqueer: 1) having a gender identity that is self-defined as queer or non-normative (usually falls outside the gender binary). 2) an umbrella term for non-binary gender identities
  • gynosexual: sexual orientation of anyone who has sexual feelings towards a woman
  • male: a gender or sex identity (♂)
  • MtF: (male to female transsexual, trans woman) a person who identifies as female, but was assigned a male sex at birth
  • neutrois: an agender or neutral-gendered person who may seek to be without the physical characteristics of their sex and to remove gender cues, and who may experience gender dysphoria much like transsexuals
  • pangender: having a gender identity or expression that encompasses all the genders, either simultaneously or alternating
  • transgender: an umbrella term for those who have gender identities transcending the limits of society's conceptualization of gender. Can include non-binary and binary-gender identified people
  • transsexual: an individual who identifies with a physical sex different from the one that assigned at birth

Dated asexual terminology

  • AS3: a sexual person who is supportive of asexuality; also an imaginary stamp given to such people ("Asexuals in Support of Supportive Sexuals").
  • bi-asexual: a shortened form of the more commonly used term, biromantic asexual
  • gay-A: another term for a homoromantic asexual
  • hetero-asexual: a shortened form of the more commonly used term, heteroromantic asexual
  • homo-asexual: a shortened form of the more commonly used term, homoromantic asexual
  • ineffable: cannot or should not be expressed in spoken words
  • effanineffable: bard of aven explains: Well, the dictionary definition is "unable to be expressed in words." And ... T. S. Eliot used it to speak of cats contemplating their "ineffable, effable, effanineffable" names. My theory is that effan is as close as you could get to having "fucking" printed in a book of poetry when he was writing. So if the first [e]ff stans for "fuck", why shouldn't the second? (introduced in this thread)
  • straight-A: another term for a heteroromantic asexual
