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I've been going around, correcting some of the gender articles which had framed transgender as a gender/physical sex mismatch. I think it is better framed as a gender/assigned gender mismatch. In brief, this is because physical sex is complicated, changeable, and at least partly socially contructed. Assigned genders are almost always male or female (and therein lies the problem).

However, I suspect this is not the only problem going on in the gender articles. In this article, for instance, calling gender the "brain sex" of a person seems very narrow. Where is the understanding of gender as gender identity? I want to correct this article, but I'm not confident enough in my knowledge to do it. Can anyone help?

--Siggy 00:00, 20 January 2011 (UTC)

While we're at it, gender is missing from the lexicon. It should be added once there is a satisfactory definition.

--Siggy 00:06, 20 January 2011 (UTC)

I made a (rather feeble) attempt at one point to get the yadas involved in this because of some of the problems you listed, especially regarding a lack of confidence in my knowledge of gender, but people in the gender forum are very helpful so maybe ask there? --Hexaquark 03:10, 20 January 2011 (UTC)