User talk:JayRatten9208

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Despite Oscar buzz, audiences heavily steered clear of Tim Burton's horror musical, Sweeney Todd. I, then again, was excited to see it due to all the excitement and nominations its been getting. Besides, there isn't much else out there.

The first 20 minutes or so are exhausting to get by way of. Perhaps it was bizarre to see those actors belting out tunes or as a result of each time you neglect it was a musical, there's one other music. But each time they started singing, it felt really inappropriate and awkward. Around the time little Toby (played by the cute Ed Sanders) gets on screen for the first time, you're feeling somewhat better as a result of he's just so cute. This was additionally the primary musical number that wasn't so moody and dark. Not that I did not appreciate the moody and the dark as a result of I did and if you see this movie, expect lots of that. It just took a bit of getting used to. You think of musicals as fun extravagant numbers with dancing and dazzle and all that jazz, however this film is far from that. The numbers are not notably catchy or fun, however disturbing and twisted.

Try to read my other movie review I Could Love You If You'd Let Me - movie review by

However, by the point Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter started singing and dancing about placing useless folks into meat pies, I was offered.

The rest of the movie is just as delightfully darkish and comical. It was an excellent story with a number of sudden turns that had me thinking "I ought to have seen this coming." It was well written and nicely filmed, with a rare cast. You need to applaud the leads, Depp and Carter, for taking the cinematic danger they did. Both of them are on my listing of best actors of all time and this film is among the Avoid the Disappointing Movie Experience - reccomendations by reason why. Another nice casting was the always great, Alan Rickman, who seamlessly portrays the creepy, perverted Judge Turpin, that Depp's character is obsessive about killing. Fun truth for Harry Potter followers: his devoted sidekick Beadle in the film was played by Timothy Spall, who's the Wormtail to Rickman's Snape within the Harry Potter franchise. Spall is one man that I would like to see solid in a likeable position. He's a great actor, however he performs the same ratty little evil minion in each film. But he was great together with everyone else. Even Sacha Baron Cohen, who I hate with a fiery ardour, was enjoyable. And who knew Borat may sing?

The verdict: test it out. It certainly deserves all the excitement it has been getting. It has one thing for everybody, if you do not mind somewhat throat slitting here and there. Do you assume it is mistaken that seeing it put me in the temper for a meat empanada? Whatever, it was scrumptious and at least there were no attorneys or priests in mine.