User talk:MarianaUssery9

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How were the poems constructed? Hello Zombies is an extension of readme.SpamPoem and they both produce spam poems. Inspired by Dadaism and the Oulipo school of poetics, it is a spam series shaped through instructions, constraints, randomness and found language. By re-appropriating spam-language, and asking the questions: What is spam? How does it appeal using various rhetorical devices to engage with others? How is it filtered, generated, received, and can that reception be altered? An intimate relation is established with banal medium and language as what you called the “commercial”. Within the piece, it nicely brings together the textual content of the work (exploring queerness) with the text of its code. But it's also a reminder of the blow-up around the HASTAC discussion. What is the state of feminist/queer computing as you see it? What advice do you have for people exploring non-normative paradigms at the code level, who want to escape binary thinking? Through working closely with code, I can see procedural and computational thinking impact my everyday life e.g simplifying the decision in binary like yes or no, without considering the possible third option like ‘maybe’.

As a legitimate sender, you don't have any reason to hide your sender's information like "from" and "reply-to." So, provide correct and accurate sender information and also ensure that your domain has a verifiable IP address that people can look up to confirm your identity. Your legitimacy is also shown through your sender reputation, and with every email you send, you build the sending history for your domain and IP address. As long as recipients open and interact with your emails, you will have a positive reputation. But if your emails are noted as spam by readers or even ignored, then it will harm your domain reputation. Mistakes in HTML can be unbalanced tags, invalid tags, default titles, etc., and it can lead to your email being misinterpreted as spam. So, you should double-check to avoid any mistakes or missing components in the HTML. Also, when composing HTML emails, make sure to have a text section for people who don't want to see the HTML version.

And yet, developers have privileged access to an additional set of practices around writing code, commenting on others’ code, and actively contributing to design decisions. These are precisely the practices that were observed in Chapter 5, and thus the technical aptitude described in this chapter is a valuable trait for becoming an influential participant in IndieWeb’s online community. Further, centres of power derived from technical acumen inherit historical biases related to privilege. Although I have focused on privilege related to gender in this chapter, this pattern extends also to other forms of privilege, most notably related to race. Rather than resulting from decisions within IndieWeb’s community, exclusions based on privilege derive from longstanding gendering and racialization of technical practice in broader society. Attempts to improve cultural diversity have echoed a pattern identified in Chapter 4. That chapter showed individual autonomy was among the most central values motivating the design of IndieWeb’s technical architecture, yet certain types of challenges were only met when served by more communal values such as consensus and conformity.

9. 20 May 2020. Archived from the original on 1 December 2021. Retrieved 22 January 2022 - via YouTube. 報道発表資料平成23年3月29日 (PDF) (in Japanese). Pacific Tsunami Warning Center/NOAA/NWS. Attwood, James (12 March 2011). "Chile Lifts Tsunami Alerts After Japan Quake Spawns Waves". 津波による浸水範囲の面積(概略値)について(第5報) (PDF) (in Japanese). Geospatial Information Authority in Japan(国土地理院). The Japan Times Online. Herald Sun. Australia. Associated Press. The Japan Times, 19 March 2011, p. Kyodo News, "Tsunami hit more than 100 designated evacuation sites", The Japan Times, 14 April 2011, p. Kyodo News, "2,000 more added to death toll in Miyagi", The Japan Times, 15 March 2011, p. Watts, Jonathan, "Quake survivors search for hope and shelter", The Japan Times, 26 March 2011, p. 中央防災会議 「東北地方太平洋沖地震を教訓とした地震・津波対策に関する専門調査会」.

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